Auction to Support the Families of Newtown Shooting Tragedy
Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

As a publishing industry, we can ban together to make a difference in more lives once again. As humans, we can step up and help each other. What is PubHeartsConn? It’s an online auction to benefit the victims of the Sandy Hook Connecticut shootings through Newtown Youth and Family Services. The auction is currently scheduled to […]
Read moreThank You for Coming to our Holiday Party
Friday, December 14th, 2012

This Wednesday we held our first holiday party with our friends over at Booksworks! We had a nice mix of over 50 authors, publishers, editors, publicists, and startups from all over NYC. We loved hearing about the new book to app tool that Bowker just released recently from Beat Barbarian. Plus, there were so many […]
Read moreFirst Ever INDIE ReCon Conference – Make Indie Publishing a Mission Possible
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

We’re so excited to be part of the INDIE ReCon Conference coming up! What is INDIE ReCon, you ask? A group of indie writers have pulled together and are hosting a FREE online conference on everything INDIE in Feb 2013! Details below!
Read moreThings You Need to Know About ISBN Numbers
Monday, December 10th, 2012

Did you know that having an ISBN number ups your rank in Google? Or that there is no such thing as an eISBN? A lot of the authors we work with ask whether they need an ISBN? We had a chance to speak to Laura Dawson of Bowker, the company that distributes ISBNs, to get […]
Read moreHow to do a virtual writing group with Skype, Google Hangout, or FaceTime
Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Everyone once in awhile I join the Twitter chat #writestuff to exchange writing ideas and tips. The chat, hosted by teacher-writer Andrea Cumbo (@andilit), happens every Tuesday night. In a recent chat I mentioned how virtual writing groups are a good way to stay motivated. I got a lot of questions and decided to chronicle […]
Read moreWe’re excited to be an official sponsor for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)
Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

Dear NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) participants, I’m Miral Sattar, writer/journalist/techie and founder of BiblioCrunch. Kudos to you for embarking on this novel-writing challenge! We’re proud to be an official sponsor for NaNoWriMo and we’ll be supporting our authors in a variety of ways. To start we’ll be hosting a series of Twitter chats on […]
Read moreHow to preview your eBook EPUB files on your iPad using Dropbox
Friday, September 28th, 2012
New features on BiblioCrunch
Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

We would like to thank everyone for their tremendous support. Since our site update on June 5th our memberships have doubled! We’re still hard at work designing new features and tweaking current ones to make BiblioCrunch the best site for authors, publishers, and book professionals alike.
Read moreOptimal Sizes for your Ebook
Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

We often get asked what an eBook filesize should be. It varies from retailer to retailer, but if you want to use one source ePUB file to all the retailers you need to keep it under 20MB. We’ve created a chart for you below. Retailer Max Filesize Amazon 50 MB Barnes & Noble 20 MB […]
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