Finding Your Courage to Write
Monday, March 31st, 2014

Writing takes a lot of courage. However, once you find that courage, you can easily find your writing voice. And Self-publishing is a great place to reveal that voice.
Read moreThe Key to a Great Book is Editing
Monday, March 24th, 2014

The key to a great book is always editing. Make sure your book is polished before it goes to publication.
Read more#IndieChat – SelfPub Metrics and Hugh Howey’s Controversial Report
Monday, February 17th, 2014

The entire publishing world has their knickers in a twist since Hugh Howey released his report on Author Earnings last week. The chat transcript is here. We even had Hugh Howey, HM Ward and a lot of other folks stop by.
Read morePredictions on Where Indie and Self-Publishing is Heading in 2014
Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

I’m generally not very fond of making predictions about the future, particularly in the technology space.
Read moreUdemy Discount – A Course on How to Crowdfund Successfully
Monday, January 13th, 2014

We all have our “first” story, one that we remember so clearly, like a first kiss. The day I first discovered crowdfunding was in early 2010 when a friend forwarded me a link to a Kickstarter campaign. I was fairly thunderstruck because for artists raising money is a tough road, and crowdfunding seemed like as […]
Read moreHow Self-Publishing has Changed over the Years
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

If you are a self published author, I am sure you can recall a time not so long ago when finding ways to distribute and market your book was a Herculean challenge. You had to be creative, business savvy, and sometimes a little demanding in order to get the recognition and respect you deserved.
Read more#IndieChat – Twitter Tips for Authors with Joel Friedlander
Monday, December 2nd, 2013

As many of you may know we host #indiechat every week. We invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Read more#IndieChat – How Best-Selling Author Darcie Chan Sold 700,000 +Books
Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

As many of you may know we host #indiechat for authors and publishing professionals alike. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Read moreSubmitting your Book to NOOK Press – Formerly BN PubIt!
Thursday, October 10th, 2013

In April 2013, Barnes and Noble launched NOOK Press. All NOOK Press is a redesigned version of Barnes and Noble’s PubIt!. NOOK Press has a lot of neat features, but the most important thing is that if you were using BN PubIt to upload your books to Barnes and Noble, you will now have to […]
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