Are your Tweets Effective? Tools for Tracking Twitter Analytics
Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

There are lots of tools out there for social media assistance. We’ve narrowed down a list of what we find are the best tools for authors.
Read moreRafflecopter – An Easy Tool for Author Giveaways and Launch Parties
Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

One of our favorite tools for our blog is Rafflecopter. This tool works well not only for book blogger but also for authors. Today we’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Rafflecopter account and use it for a giveaway.
Read moreThe Best Booths at BEA
Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

This year BiblioCrunch went to BEA, BookExpo America. BEA is hosted at the Javits Center (pictured below). At BEA you will find many booths on the main floor. Here are a few we enjoyed visiting.
Read moreHow to Join a Twitter Chat
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Every week at we host a weekly Twitter chat called #indiechat. Since we started hosting this chat one of our top questions has been, how do I join a Twitter chat?
Read moreCreative Author Interview Ideas
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

One of the most common ways to promote an author on a blog is through an interview with the author. Interview questions can change from blogger to blogger but what do you do when you want your interview to stand out from the rest?
Read moreAwards that Indie and Self-Published Authors can Apply to for 2013
Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Last year we complied a list of awards that indie and self-published books are eligible to win. This year we have an updated list with the current deadlines. Many of these happen every year so if you miss one, try again. Please make sure you check the website for the full requirements and rules. Remember […]
Read moreWhat is an Author Street Team?
Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

As a reader I have joined up with many authors as part of their street teams. As it turns out, a lot of authors don’t know what a street team is. We’ll be hosting a chat soon on #indiechat to answer all your street team questions.
Read moreTwitter Etiquette for Authors – How not to be Obnoxious
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Social media plays a huge roll in building an author’s platform, marketing, and author branding. One of our favorite social media platforms is Twitter.
Read moreTools for Tracking Book Sales
Thursday, March 21st, 2013

As part of the business side of publishing, one of the many things self-published authors have to keep track of is their book sales.
Read moreFive Best Practices for QA’ing your eBook
Thursday, March 14th, 2013

A few weeks ago we had EPUB mavens Colleen Cunningham (@bookdesigngirl) and Iris Febres (@epubpupil) from FWMedia join us on #indiechat. Colleen and Iris gave us an overview of the eBook production process and also shared best practices for QA’ing an eBook. Use their tips to make sure the eBook you put out into the […]
Read moreFonts for eBooks: Best Practices
Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

One of the many joys of self-publishing is the ability to control anything and everything about your book. The full control self-publishers have is a great blessing but it can be a problem; when you control everything alone how do you know what size your cover should be, which online distributors work best for you, […]
Read moreRoyalty Rates Comparison
Friday, January 25th, 2013
Should You Buy ISBNs?
Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

A question asked by authors frequently is should you buy ISBNs? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
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