BiblioCrunch | Self-Publishing Resouces

Tips on Self-Publishing

Author Learnings: Using BookBub & Other Sites for Book Promotion

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

re donald and publishing banner

How did they get to where they are today? R.E. (Ruth) Donald joins us today to talk about which paid sites worked to help promote her book.

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From an Author: Learning the Business to Become a Savvy Promoter

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

judith glynn

How did they get to where they are today??

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Creative Author Interview Ideas

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Gif Interviews

One of the most common ways to promote an author on a blog is through an interview with the author. Interview questions can change from blogger to blogger but what do you do when you want your interview to stand out from the rest?

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Interview with Author Lorna Suzuki

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Lorna Suzuki

Today we have author Lorna Suzuki on the blog to talk about her books, self-publishing, and how her work was optioned for a movie! We hope you enjoy. Leave some comments below and enter our giveaway to win one of Lorna’s books!

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Things You Need to Know About ISBN Numbers

Monday, December 10th, 2012

Photo courtesy of VanherdeHaag

Did you know that having an ISBN number ups your rank in Google? Or that there is no such thing as an eISBN? A lot of the authors we work with ask whether they need an ISBN? We had a chance to speak to Laura Dawson of Bowker, the company that distributes ISBNs, to get […]

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“What is a blog tour?” Interview with Author/Marketer S.R. Johannes + giveaway

Monday, October 15th, 2012

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Today I am so happy to be interviewing Shelli (S.R.) Johannes, author of the Nature of Grace series and marketing maven. Shelli has been on tour for the last six weeks and has come to share her great advice. Hello Shelli! Thank you so much for joining us today on the BiblioCrunch Blog. Can you […]

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