Litcrawl Manhattan – September 13th – Networking & Indie Crossword Night
Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Join us for an evening of networking, readings, and a game of indie crossword puzzle with Miral Sattar, Judith Glynn and Irfana Khan. Also, bring your questions about self-publishing!
Read moreWhat Authors Need to Know about POD – Print on Demand
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

You’ve probably heard the buzzword ‘print on demand.’ With digital technology you no longer have to pay upfront for printing costs because now there are so many print-on-demand options.
Read moreHow to Write a Good Book Description
Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

You did it! You finally finished your book and it is a masterpiece! Now, all you have to do is get people to read it. It’s time to take off the author hat and put on the marketer hat. You have a book description to write.
Read moreHow to Build Catchy Titles for Your Book
Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Never judge a book by its cover or so the saying goes. But that isn’t necessarily true, is it? First impressions are lasting impressions and we make snap judgments incessantly – the second we meet someone or step in a home or even check out a new car in the lot. The same holds true […]
Read moreHow to Write a Good Introduction for Your Ebook
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

After you finish writing your ebook, you are anxious to share it with the world and the process can prove frustrating when you are forced to hit the brakes in order to first create a viable marketing strategy. It’s the old hurry up and wait ploy. Ahh! I feel your pain.
Read moreHow to Battle Writer’s Block
Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

I would like to start this off by saying that I’ve been staring at my screen for…oh…twenty minutes trying to figure out what to write.
Read more#Indiechat – Tips on Formatting your Book for Print
Thursday, November 7th, 2013

As many of you may know we host #indiechat every week. We invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Read moreStay Motivated – NANOWRIMO 10 Minute Writing Sprints Around Mealtime
Friday, November 1st, 2013

It’s that time of year of again! We’re excited to be an official sponsor of National Novel Writing Month.
Read more#NaNoWriMo Writing Sprints!
Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Trying to stay motivated during NaNoWriMo? Join us during our 10 minute writing sprints. We know that with writing you need to get it in when you can. To support our NaNoWriMo authors we’re hosting three writing sprints a day everyday centered around mealtimes and snacks.
Read more#IndieChat – How to Reach your #NANOWRIMO Writing Goals
Thursday, October 24th, 2013

As many of you may know we host #indiechat for authors and publishing professionals alike. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Read moreImportant Tips for Self-Publishing Success
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Anyone who has tried self-publishing knows that it’s a contact sport much like the football games inundating TV at the moment.
Read more#IndieChat – How to Run a Successful Blog Tour with Donna Huber and Amy Del Rosso
Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Every week we host #indiechat. We invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Read more#IndieChat – Writers Conferences with Mercy Pilkington and Porter Anderson
Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Every week on Twitter we host #indiechat. We invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
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