Tools that Help You Create Apps for your Book
Monday, December 31st, 2012

So you’ve written your book, took some hefty criticism from your reader friends, and edited it countless times until you achieved a pristine and gripping novel. But now what? How do you get your story to the masses without resorting to a printing press? Luckily, most Americans already own your solution. You can put your books on those tablets devices everyone seems to be purchasing these days. Of course, you can’t just upload a .txt or .doc file up on iTunes or Google Play. You have to convert your book to a format supported by these online stores.
Read moreGuest Post: Key Takeaways from FutureBook 2012 by Henry Strick
Thursday, December 27th, 2012

We’re excited to have Henry Strick guest post for us about The Future Book Conference. A lot of the takeaways are applicable to self published and indie authors as well.
Read moreInterview with Author Lorna Suzuki
Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Today we have author Lorna Suzuki on the blog to talk about her books, self-publishing, and how her work was optioned for a movie! We hope you enjoy. Leave some comments below and enter our giveaway to win one of Lorna’s books!
Read moreAuction to Support the Families of Newtown Shooting Tragedy
Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

As a publishing industry, we can ban together to make a difference in more lives once again. As humans, we can step up and help each other. What is PubHeartsConn? It’s an online auction to benefit the victims of the Sandy Hook Connecticut shootings through Newtown Youth and Family Services. The auction is currently scheduled to […]
Read moreJoin us for Indiechat 12/18 at 9pm EST! Topic: Holiday Marketing with Duolit
Monday, December 17th, 2012
As some of you may know recently we took over the twitter chat #indiechat. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs onBiblioCrunch Storify. This week on #indiechat we will have @duolit, one of my favorite self-publishing teams to talk about holiday marketing. As a marketer myself this is […]
Read moreMarketing Ideas: Gift Bags
Monday, December 17th, 2012

Last month we went to the Romance Writers of America Conference. Did you know that romance readers read about 2.5 book on average per week? We also came across some cute book swag.
Read moreThank You for Coming to our Holiday Party
Friday, December 14th, 2012

This Wednesday we held our first holiday party with our friends over at Booksworks! We had a nice mix of over 50 authors, publishers, editors, publicists, and startups from all over NYC. We loved hearing about the new book to app tool that Bowker just released recently from Beat Barbarian. Plus, there were so many […]
Read moreFirst Ever INDIE ReCon Conference – Make Indie Publishing a Mission Possible
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

We’re so excited to be part of the INDIE ReCon Conference coming up! What is INDIE ReCon, you ask? A group of indie writers have pulled together and are hosting a FREE online conference on everything INDIE in Feb 2013! Details below!
Read moreThings You Need to Know About ISBN Numbers
Monday, December 10th, 2012

Did you know that having an ISBN number ups your rank in Google? Or that there is no such thing as an eISBN? A lot of the authors we work with ask whether they need an ISBN? We had a chance to speak to Laura Dawson of Bowker, the company that distributes ISBNs, to get […]
Read moreJoin us for Indiechat 12/11 at 9pm EST! Topic: KDP Select with Will Entrekin
Friday, December 7th, 2012

As some of you may know recently we took over the twitter chat #indiechat. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify. This week on #indiechat we will have @willentrekin talking about whether you should enroll in Kindle Direct Publishing Select or not. We’ll also cover […]
Read moreExclusive Tools of Change (TOC) Discount for BiblioCrunch Readers and Members!
Friday, December 7th, 2012

Today we have a great discount for you from Tools of Change for Publishing (TOC)! This discount code can be used for TOC’s upcoming conference in February, but we love it because of Author Revolution Day.
Read moreBook Covers: Tips of the Trade
Tuesday, December 4th, 2012
It is no secret that in the publishing world books are judged by their covers. A book cover (and the title that comes with it) are the first impression a person has of a book, whether they pick it up in the store or are browsing the digital store on Amazon. I always recommend to […]
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