#IndieChat – How Authors Can Use Booktrack to Market their Books
Thursday, July 17th, 2014

We’re excited to have Paul Cameron, @pccameron, and Jason Hovey, @jasondhovey, from Booktrack as our guests on Tuesday’s #IndieChat on 7/22/14.
Read more#IndieChat- Why Free isn’t Always the Best Strategy for Selling Books
Thursday, June 19th, 2014

We’re excited to have Hymn Herself, @hymnherself, as our guest on Tuesday’s #IndieChat on 6/24/14.
Read more#IndieChat- Avoid These Book Marketing Mistakes
Thursday, May 22nd, 2014
How to Write a Good Book Description
Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

You did it! You finally finished your book and it is a masterpiece! Now, all you have to do is get people to read it. It’s time to take off the author hat and put on the marketer hat. You have a book description to write.
Read more10 Book Marketing Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make
Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

Have a book coming out? Don’t start your marketing until you read this list of 10 book marketing mistakes that self-published authors make.
Read more#Indiechat – How to Use Rafflecopter as a Book Marketing Tool
Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Every week we host #indiechat. We invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
Read more#IndieChat – Creating Buzz about your Book with Street Teams
Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Every week we host #indiechat. We invite industry experts and authors to discuss and share tips on the indie and publishing landscape. #Indiechat is held every Tuesday at 9pm EST. You can check out our previous chat logs on BiblioCrunch Storify.
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